An Author’s Journey

About the Author
My friends helped me write the author bio that is copied and pasted into all of my books. It probably will never change because, personally, I feel like I’m a really boring person. I love my husband, my kids (bio and non-bio), my three dogs, and fourteen chickens, and I love hanging out at home. There. That’s me.
But perhaps I’m not that simple. My husband often teases me and says that I think I can do it all. That’s not far off base from the truth. I’m sure I can’t do *everything*, but I will definitely give most worthwhile things a try, and if I like it, you can be dang sure I’ll work hard enough to become efficient or completely kick booty. (I’m also really humble, if you can’t tell).
This is how my writing journey began.
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I love reading. Could I write a book? Did I have a story to tell?
Why yes, I did! In only a few months, I cranked out a 120,000-word manuscript worthy of the highest praise from my mother and closest friends. No one else will ever see that first draft. It has long been destroyed, and hopefully I have improved since then and will continue to do so!

Published books
Manuscript rewrites and/or unpublished works
A bazillion
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